Taking An Impression

At Advanced Artificial Eyes, we recognize the delicate nature of taking an impression of a patient’s eye. This crucial process demands the expertise of skilled professionals. A subpar impression not only risks traumatizing the patient but also hampers the ability to create a top-notch prosthesis. Whether dealing with normal or traumatized eyes, the sensitivity and uniqueness of the eye require a meticulous and invasive approach. Experience is paramount in achieving an accurate impression, as numerous factors can influence the outcome.

Prior to commencing the impression procedure, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the eye socket to identify any potential issues that could interfere with the process. This examination includes identifying exposed sutures or implants. Choosing the appropriate impression material is the next crucial step. In the field of ocularistry, we have adapted popular dental impression materials like Alginate and Polyvinyl siloxane for ocular use.

Following the impression, the shape is replicated and used as a reference for fitting the prosthesis. To ensure optimal results, we prefer duplicating the impression in clear acrylic. This allows us to observe and evaluate the fit of the template prosthesis by examining it through transparency. Once the prosthesis fits properly and the eyelids are opened as symmetrically as possible, the final fitting process can begin.

At Advanced Artificial Eyes, we prioritize the artistry and precision required to create superior eye impressions. Our team of experienced ocularists possesses the expertise and attention to detail necessary to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

© Advanced Artificial Eyes 2024