What to do if I lose my eye?
We understand just how traumatic eye loss can be.
Emotionally, physically, and socially, eye loss changes not only how you see the world — but how the world sees you.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, nearly 2.5 million people in the U.S. suffer eye injuries every year. Many more suffer vision or loss of an eye due to disease. When trauma or disease strikes, an eye may need removal. Eyes should only need removal if they cause a risk to life or pain to the patient. If a healthy eye is in place, even if it is unseeing, we are able to create a prosthesis with a large amount of mobility. But even in cases of enucleation or exenteration, we can help.
Once an eye has been removed, it is important that a patient take time to rest and recover. Eye loss is an extremely difficult time. Psychological therapy is often extremely useful in coping during this period.
Along with emotional healing, a patient will likely have many other concerns. How do you live with eye loss from a practical standpoint? Walking? Driving? And is it ever possible to feel normal again, like you fit into society?
The answer to that last question is yes for many, many patients. Thanks to major advances in technology, we are able to reproduce the look of your eye with an incredible amount of detail and fidelity. Our dedicated staff do not stop working for you until we get a solution that is the absolute best possible. One of our patients, JJ, lost an eye at a young age. Please watch his video testimonial to see how normal it truly is possible to look and feel.
Our office is pushing forward the technology of ocular prosthetics dramatically. By incorporating digital technology into our work, and offering the fruits of our research to other ocularists, we believe we are greatly increasing the efficiency of the ocularist profession. The outcome of that is many more people will be walking out of their ocularists’ offices with even more confidence. Since we are able to reproduce irises with such a great amount of accuracy, we believe that in the future, the field of ocularistry will be more about shape and movement than it is about color, leading yet MORE patients to blend into society unnoticed.
While we are excited about everything we can achieve for a patient on an aesthetic and technical basis, we get the greatest joy out of helping individuals feel better, each and every day. We invite you to set up an appointment to learn how our cutting edge technology and absolute commitment to your well being can help you feel better starting today. We look forward to talking with you about how we can help you move past your challenges.